Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy are those ...

Who love , for they have God in them
Who serve , for they glorify God in their actions
Who endure , for they share the same sufferings of the Lord
Who resisted temptations , for God have given them the shield called "Faith"
Who were judged by others , for they know that they could only be judged by God Himself
Who were called "Crazy" while glorifying God , for they know that God does not see them as crazy
Who hope , for they believed in the Living God Jesus Christ
Who have thrown away pride and ego , for they know that these are obstacles between them and God
Who are innocent , for they do not share the heathen merry but instead , in God's joy
Who honour their parents , for they honour God in the same way
Who tells the truth , for they have the Holy Spirit in them
Who confessed their sins and repent , for they have reconciled in God's love
Who do not speak vulgarities , for they speak in languages that glorify God
Who believe God , for they have gained salvation
Who felt God's touch , for their lives will be forever changed

Most importantly ,happy are those who have God in their hearts.....for they have everything they will ever need.

By Vin